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Our Members


The Centre's Membership is comprised of individuals from diverse disciplines and backgrounds who share an interest in keeping up to date with developments in EU law and European Human Rights law.

Current Vacancies


We are now inviting applications for the following positions.

  • Company Secretary
  • Board Members/ Charity Trustees
  • Chairperson & Members of the Audit & Governance Committee
  • Chairperson of the Members' Committee
For more information, including role description and application details, please follow the link provided below.

A Message from our Patron


Her Excellency Mary Robinson SC offers some thoughts on the ICEL launching its Northern Ireland Committee.

Our History


The Irish Centre for European Law is based in Trinity College Dublin. It was founded in1988 by Senator Mary Robinson S.C. (as she then was) who served as the Centre's first Director prior to becoming President of Ireland.

Upcoming Events


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© Copyright Irish Centre For European Law 2021

Irish Centre for European Law Limited Company Limited by Guarantee

Registered Charity Number: 20022051 | Company Number: 131887

European Court of Justice photos source - Court of Justice of the European Union

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