European Arrest Warrant – An overview of the CJEU’s judgment in Celmer
The Gaffney Room, Distillery Building, Church Street, Dublin 7
Registration opens at 16:15 and the seminar starts at 16:30 for an hour
1 CPD Points (Barristers) 1 General CPD Points (Solicitors)
The ICEL is delighted to host an afternoon seminar on the CJEU’s judgment in Minister for Justice and Equality v Celmer. In March Judge Aileen Donnelly refused to extradite Mr Celmer to Poland and instead referred two questions to the CJEU. The High Court had concerns that Mr Celmer would not get a fair trial in Poland as a result of recent reforms of that country’s legal system by the ruling right wing government. The case has generated significant international coverage and could be one of the most significant judgments every delivered by the European courts.
To view the Advocate General’s opinion, click here.
The final judgment of the CJEU is due out on 25th July and the ICEL is grateful to Siobhan Stack SC for agreeing the analyse it at very short notice.
Confirmed speaker and topic
Prof Gavin Barrett, Chair
Siobhan Stack SC, – An analysis of the CJEU’s findings in Celmer
This event is free for ICEL members. To renew your membership for 2018, click here.