Papers from all the recent ICEL Brexit conferences
ICEL Brexit Conference Papers
ICEL & CDPB – Belfast, February 26th
Brian Doherty paper and presentation – The devolution settlement and Brexit
John Temple Lang paper – Implications for Ireland
Clare Archibold presentation – Extradition and cross border criminal co-operation
David Edward presentation – The alternatives to membership of the EU
ICEL Ibec – Dublin, May 5th
John Temple Lang paper – Implications for Ireland
Blanaid Clarke presentation – impact on financial services
ICEL & Law Society of Northern Ireland, Belfast May 6th
Brian Doherty paper – Effects of Brexit on the operation of devolution under the Northern Ireland Act
Laura Gillespie presentation – Practical Implications for Lawyers in a Post-Brexit landscape
ICEL, ISEL and Bar Council, Dublin, May 9th
Derrick Wyatt paper – The post-Brexit relationship between the UK and the EU, and the status of the north/south Irish border
Vincent Power paper and presentation – Brexit, the implications for legal practice
Evanna Fruithof paper – The New Settlement, the impact of Brexit in key policy areas & the perception of the debate in Brussels