Notice of Annual General Meeting

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 36th Annual General Meeting of the Irish Centre for European Law Company Limited by Guarantee will be held at 4.30pm on 23 September 2024 in an online format, for the following purposes:

  1. To adopt the minutes of the 2023 AGM. (Link here.)
  2. To appoint and/or re-appoint 5 or 6 directors, after hearing the Nomination Committee. The directors due to retire by rotation and who are eligible for renewal are Professor Tobias Lock and Professor Chris McCrudden. Bernadette Quigley SC is due to retire as a director in accordance with Article 76(b) of the Articles of Association and is eligible for renewal. Professor Mark Bell is due to retire by rotation and is not eligible for renewal. A vacancy arose by the resignation as a director of Dr Róisín Costello BL in March 2024, which vacancy is continuing. A further vacancy may arise.
  3. To increase the membership of the Audit & Governance Committee to 9 members. The 2023 AGM increased the membership of the Audit & Governance Committee to 4 members. The Committee has requested additional financial expertise be appointed. Increasing the membership to 9 members permits a broader range of expertise on all aspects of the Committee’s work.
  4. To appoint and/or reappoint up to 6 persons as members of the Audit & Governance Committee, after hearing the Nomination Committee. The Member due to retire by rotation and who is eligible for reappointment is Rosemary Craig JP. A vacancy arose in July 2024 by the resignation of the Committee Chairperson, Emily Dickinson FCG. Other vacancies may arise if the special resolution at Item 3 is adopted.
  5. To approve the Annual Report and Financial Statements for 2023. (Link here.)
  6. To authorise the Directors to re-appoint the retiring auditors subject to agreeing remuneration and terms.
  7. To transact any other ordinary business that may be brought before the Meeting.
  8. To vote thanks.

To access the AGM, please follow this Zoom link. To access the minutes of the 2023 AGM and the Annual Report/Financial Statements of the ICEL, please follow the link here.


Dated: 30/08/2024


By Order of the Board:

Dr Joanne Simpson



Benedict Blunnie BL

Deputy Secretary