The video for this event is available here:

The second online seminar in the ICEL’s Covid 19 and EU Law seminar series will take place on 25 June 2020 from 1 pm – 2 pm  and will be on the subject of “The Covid-19 Pandemic and the Single Market.” The seminar will explore the implications of the pandemic in the areas of state aid, competition law, and public procurement law.

In particular, the seminar will explore the state aid issues which are likely to be litigated arising out of the pandemic and the Commission’s approach to state aid since it began. Other topics covered will include the effects of the pandemic on construction contracts and its impact in the field of competition law.

The following speakers will contribute to the seminar:

  • Professor Diarmuid Rossa Phelan SC (Chair), The Law School, Trinity College Dublin and the Law Library.
  • Dr Vincent Power, Partner, A + L Goodbody Solicitors
  • Kate McKenna, Partner, Matheson Solicitors
  • Claire Graydon, Solicitor, Quigg Golden Solicitors

Attendance at this event is FREE OF CHARGE. Those in attendance will be offered a year’s membership in ICEL at the significantly disounted rate of €120. To register for the event, please follow the link below:

There are 2 CPD points available for attending this event.

This event is being organised in conjunction with the Corporate Law, Governance, and Capital Markets Researh Group and the Trinity Centre for Constitutional Law and Governance, both based at the Law School, Trinity College Dublin.

It is the second of three seminars in the series. The first, which will be held on 18 June 2020, will examine the recent German Constitutional Court’s Ruling in the BVerfG Judgment of 5 May 2020. The third seminar in the series will consider the data protection issues arising from the pandemic and will take place on 30 June 2020.Links to register for these events are available here: